Почтительное повиновение
"Он, во дни плоти Своей, с сильным воплем и со слезами принес молитвы и моления Могущему спасти Его от смерти; и услышан был за Свое благоговение (в др. переводе почтительное повиновение)" (Послание к Евреям, гл.5, стих 7).
"Praise Time" into our daily life
If we don’t have a special time allotted solely for the purpose of praising the Lord, we often do not do it, because there are so many other demands on our time.
Something we have tried is scheduling five minutes three times a day when we stop and praise the Lord. We call this “Praise time”. We specifically use this time to praise the Lord. We don’t ask Him for anything or petition Him. We only thank Him.
We’ve found that setting aside specified daily times for praise has helped us get more in the habit of praising the Lord.