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As we develop spiritually and grow in faith, we come to the next scripture: Mark. 16:16 “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” This means that baptism without faith in Jesus Christ does not lead to salvation. We are baptized into His death. When we immerse ourselves in water, we figuratively bury the old life and rise to a new life with Christ...

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Dear friends, we welcome you to the site of the "VICTORY" Christian church "Life Line" ministry. We want our site to be a place of blessing for every visitor and for every family. You can find here answers to questions regarding the most important life situations. We have prepared a lot of materials on a wide variety of topics especially for you

The Way with God

How to use Bible verses about healing in prayer?

These scriptures can be proclaimed in prayer for the healing provided to the believing by Lord Jesus Christ on the Calvary cross

Speak the Word of God in your own name or say the name of the person you are praying for. Speak in faith, trust God and expect Him to fulfill His promises. It is important to ponder these promises and ask for revelation from the Spirit of God for you personally. God bless you! Be healthy!

Bible Verses about Healing

The following verses can be used during the prayer for your healing

How to use these verses in prayer, read here.


A9.jpgНельзя жить только своими убеждениями, опытом или знаниями, если они не основываются на Божьем Слове

Вы согласны, что сколько людей, столько и мнений? «Конечно, – скажете вы, – нас ведь с детства учат иметь собственное мнение!» Хорошо… Тогда как насчет того, что в споре рождается истина?

About us

Every day a lot of people call us. They ask questions about the problems of alcoholism, fear, illness, divorce, rejection, etc. Our ministers are on duty at the phone round the clock. They listen, share the Word of God, pray for people

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How to build a happy family?

Фундаментом для построения семьи должна быть любовь. Любовь не в похоти очей, а в желании сердца сделать другого счастливым

В построении семьи нельзя искать своего. Ведь соединяясь в браке, двое становятся одним, т.е. неделимыми. Это значит - каждый день в общении познавать друг друга. Учиться слушать и слышать другого. Очень важно выбрать правильный тон голоса для общения.

Salvation prayer

Dear friend! The Bible says:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. " (John 3:16)

God's gift

What we are is God's gift to us.  What we become is our gift to God. (Eleanor Powell)

God loves each of us

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us. (St. Augustine)


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