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Dear friends, we welcome you to the site of the "VICTORY" Christian church "Life Line" ministry. We want our site to be a place of blessing for every visitor and for every family. You can find here answers to questions regarding the most important life situations. We have prepared a lot of materials on a wide variety of topics especially for you

The Way with God

The collection of articles called "The Way with God" will introduce you to the first steps to take after repentance. You will be learn who we are because of Jesus Christ, why it is important to go to church, and what role the Bible plays in the lives of Christians. Is it difficult or easy to learn to rely on God for everything? Imagine that you are a small child in the arms of the almighty Father God. Do not be afraid. Just follow him. 

I have a problem

If you have a crisis situation... I have a problem... How to be a winner in difficult moments of life. For every problem God offers a solution in His Word. This is freedom from addictions, depression, fear and rejection, healing from diseases, financial prosperity. We are ready to talk with you about this and pray for you. 

Mutual relations

Mutual relations... with God, with husband or wife, with parents and children, with friends... How not to make mistakes and be happy. Do I need to prepare for marriage? Why is it difficult to find a husband. Do we really love? Many problems in family and marriage, in business, political and international tensions - all this is associated with non-working relationships. How can we build or repair relationships.

Does God exist?

If you do not know anything about God or doubt His existence, meet sheet set of articles "Does God exist?" Is there evidence that God exists and why is it so difficult to believe in Him? Is the Bible True? What is salvation for and how to get it? We will talk about different denominations and explain what sin is.

Difficult passages from the Bible

"Difficult" passages from the Bible... Is it difficult to understand some of the Bible messages?... Is a Christian allowed to take an registered number? What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Can a Christian take part in hostilities? We are thinking about difficult passages from the Bible that are incomprehensible or interpreted in different ways in various Christian circles.

The purpose of my life

Let's talk about goals.  Do you have a goal?... How do you know what purpose God has for you and how to achieve it? Do you want to become a disciple of Christ? What is successful mentoring?  If you want to know for what purpose you ended up on this planet, you need to start with God. You were born in His plan and in order to fulfill His purpose.

Prayer room

Prayer room

Everything related to prayer is here. If you want our ministers to pray for you, let us know your prayer request herein.


Our testimonies

Our testimonies

In this section, our counselors share their testimonies and revelations from the Lord. Here you can also place your testimonies about what God has done for you


Read the bible

Read the bible

You can read the Bible and meditate on it right on our website. The Word of God inspires and empowers anyone who wants a deeper relationship with God. If this is your first time reading Bible texts, start with The Gospel of Luke.


Sayings and aphorisms

Sayings and aphorisms

We have prepared a list of statements of famous people (philosophers, writers, scientists, etc.) about God and the Christian faith. You can also participate in the preparation of materials in this section.



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18-21 липня 2024 р., м. Київ, вул. Малинська, 16

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