Let’s ponder over it. We live on the planet Earth. It is amazing planet, you can find here everything necessary for human life support. “The earth brining forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind” (Genesis:1:12И произвела земля зелень, траву, сеющую семя по роду [и по подобию] ее, и дерево [плодовитое], приносящее плод, в котором семя его по роду его [на земле]. И увидел Бог, что это хорошо.). We know that nothing and no one can live without water – so there is a lot of water on earth to provide life to everything. There is a lot of living creatures in the water that is good for food. The Earth is full of variety of living souls. These are animals, cattle, reptiles and insects, - everything is intended for life sustenance. There is a great number of birds in the sky. Earth`s deep interiors are full of all sorts of fossils so that man could create and build. Let us think now, could it all be arranged so wisely, harmoniously and simply just by itself?
Let’s ponder over it. We live on the planet Earth. It is amazing planet, you can find here everything necessary for human life support. “The earth brining forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind” (Genesis:1:12И произвела земля зелень, траву, сеющую семя по роду [и по подобию] ее, и дерево [плодовитое], приносящее плод, в котором семя его по роду его [на земле]. И увидел Бог, что это хорошо.). We know that nothing and no one can live without water – so there is a lot of water on earth to provide life to everything. There is a lot of living creatures in the water that is good for food. The Earth is full of variety of living souls. These are animals, cattle, reptiles and insects, - everything is intended for life sustenance. There is a great number of birds in the sky. Earth`s deep interiors are full of all sorts of fossils so that man could create and build. Let us think now, could it all be arranged so wisely, harmoniously and simply just by itself?
Points: 2