live issue

The Reasons of homosexual behaviour

The homosexual desire is unnatural. Its reasons are located in mentality, in person`s thinking.

Invite God into your life

A1_pok1.jpg Do you want to entrust your life to God? Do you know that God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and everything in it, loves you very much? He wants to save you from any unrighteousness and sin. God wants your life to be filled with sense and joy. He knows how to do it. Just ask him about it.

Chose one of the items below to get more information.


How to handle negative emotions?

Ни у кого не вызывает возражений утверждение о том, что важна не сама ситуация, а то, как мы на нее реагируем. Подсчитано, что в мире каждый четвертый обладает так называемой "стартовой готовностью" к различного рода эмоциональным воздействиям, срывам, накапливанию негативных эмоций.

How to descern a wounded heart?

исцеление раненого сердцаМожно сформулировать несколько определений раненого сердца.

Здоровые люди исцеляют других вокруг себя, раненые люди ранят других вокруг себя.

How to get rid of insomnia?

Если вас мучает беспокойство, бессонница или страхи, необходимо начать с покаяния

Healing... Is there the will of God for it?

If we repented and longing to live as the Lord teaches us to live in His Word, we ought to know and strongly believe that God wants to see us healthy and successful in everything (3 John:1:2

Addictions... How to get free

The success in the deliverance from addiction of any kind is directly related to how much dependent wants to be open to the work of the Holy Spirit in his life

For this purpose, first of all, we must recognize that your addiction is a sin before God. Sin is not because you are ashamed (or being condemned or your health being deteriorated), but because the Lord said so in His Word.

Prayer Room

Prayer is a conversation with God. It is the main component of Christian life. People often underestimate its importance. But it is prayer that brings positive changes into our lives, destroys negative circumstances, and helps to grow spiritually. Through prayer God makes miracles, heals, liberates, blesses.

False religions, cults and demonology

A7.jpgБилли Грэм пишет: "Библия многократно предупреждает нас о лжепророках и лжеучителях, "которые приходят к вам в овечьей одежде, а внутри суть волки хищные " (Мф. 7:15). Порой христианам трудно распознать лжепророка... Иисус Христос говорил, что они "дадут великие знамения и чудеса, чтобы прельстить, если возможно, и избранных" (Мф. 24:24)".

Do you have a goal?

Do you know that God has a purpose for each of us? How to know and to achieve it?

The meaning of your life is much bigger than the satisfaction of personal needs, peace of mind and even your own happiness. It is far greater and more of your family, career, and even the most fantastic dreams and ambitions that you cherish. If you want to know for what purpose you were born on this planet, you should start with God. You were born by His purpose and for the fulfilment of His destination" (Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life).


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