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"Praise Time" into our daily life

If we don’t have a special time allotted solely for the purpose of praising the Lord, we often do not do it, because there are so many other demands on our time.

Something we have tried is scheduling five minutes three times a day when we stop and praise the Lord. We call this “Praise time”. We specifically use this time to praise the Lord. We don’t ask Him for anything or petition Him. We only thank Him.

We’ve found that setting aside specified daily times for praise has helped us get more in the habit of praising the Lord.

Step seven

If up to this time you have ponder with us then you have probably come to the conclusion that for the Earth to come into existence and to exist with all living creatures on it, the Creator with Higher INTELLECT is required. Today He offers us an opportunity to meet Him. Today the Creator has become available to anyone seeking the Truth. He longs to have fellowship with us, because He is God and He created us for fellowship with Him. His greatest wisdom in its simplicity, available and understandable to everyone. When He created man He also gave him a manual for living.

Step six

Thank you for your patience while walking these five steps with us. Let us think now: if intellect is required to build a house, then moreover intellect is required for the Earth (and everything on it) to come into existence. To live in the house for a long while it is necessary for someone to watch over that house, to do renovation, to replace something etc. To sustain the life on the Earth water and the air are the most necessary and the most consumable. If no one would take care of it constant cleansing those would soon become useless. Intellect is also required for it.

Step five

People naively believe that the man – the most perfect creation on Earth is descended from monkey. Nevertheless during all time this theory exists it never happened that monkey gave birth to a man, or some monkey would turn into man. If we pay attention to the world around us we could see that each seed produces only by its kind. The same way each living creature give birth by its kind. Apples can not grow on the vine and raspberries will never grow grapes. Field flowers will never become roses.

Step four

All theories and philosophies offered to us in study books in schools and universities are trying to persuade us that the Earth and all creatures on it came into existence without an INTELLECT. But let us consider simple example. To build a house someone needs to make the plan thereof, to draw it, to think what material it should be built of, to estimate how much material and other means is necessary etc. So intellect is essential to consider and to determine it all.

Step three

In first two steps we have discussed what a perfect and amazing world we live in. Nevertheless the same amazing and perfect world is inside of us. All organs are located at very convenient for communication scheme. Blood circulatory system arranged so that life blood could reach each cell of the body. Protection system functions for the whole organism. We can see, hear, think, understand, breath, move and even talk, no other living creature on Earth can do it as well. People trying to find explanation to origin of Earth and every living things on it.

Step two

Today television allows us to see variety of earth, seas, rivers and even the depth of the oceans. We see how beautiful our earth is and how unique every corner thereof. Rivers always flow by the given routs, seas and oceans are not flow out of its depths. Every day morning comes, sun rises to walk its way. Every night we see the vault of heaven, spattered with stars and the moon performs its way. Trees puts its clothes on in spring time and during autumn they put it off.

Step one

Let’s ponder over it. We live on the planet Earth. It is amazing planet, you can find here everything necessary for human life support.

Know God (or steps towards knowledge of God)

This column first of all is intended for those people, who have already asked themselves a question: "What do I live for?". It may seems to be a very simple question, though you`ll not find an answer to it in any study book. Perhaps you may say: "I do not ask myself such a question". Right, many people live their life and do not even ponder over it. But definitely, everyone is looking for happiness and they even devise and invent it. Everybody wants to be happy. We live in a special time.

Belonging to the CHURCH

It is crucial for the new life and spiritual growth to belong to the Biblical church. In order not to cool down in love and faith we should listen to the preaching of the Word of God and have a fellowship with other Christians.

As we see from the book of Acts, early Christians, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, they built the church, through which God functioned in His power and wisdom.


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