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Як побудувати взаємовідносини з Богом?

Все, що йдеться про взаємини з людьми може бути застосовано і до взаємин з Богом. Важливо розуміти, що Бог бажає бути з нами в активних взаємовідносинах і зробив усе, що потрібно для цього. Але ці взаємини будуть діяти тільки тоді, коли ми будемо готові брати активну участь в них.

Belonging to the CHURCH

It is crucial for the new life and spiritual growth to belong to the Biblical church. In order not to cool down in love and faith we should listen to the preaching of the Word of God and have a fellowship with other Christians.

As we see from the book of Acts, early Christians, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, they built the church, through which God functioned in His power and wisdom.


"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new" (2 Cor. 5:17)

When we received Christ into our heart, we became open to God. At this point Eternal Spirit of God comes into our life and our spirit becomes born again. As a newborn baby nursed by mother, our spirit is fed by the Spirit of God, which opens Father to us through the World of God.


"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" ( Matt. 11:28)


Forgiveness of our sins - it is an amazing gift of God's love. We only have the right to be forgiven and to have an eternal life when we believe. Faith is a trust to the Word of God written in Bible. It is trust in God’s promises. To believe is to embrace, to choose Jesus and win Him, to devote yourself to Him, depend on Him and fill your life with His presence. In other words, it is to make a decision to surrender your life to Him.

REPENTANCE is a step toward new life

Bible says: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Rome. 3-23). God loves you, but sin separates you from God. Only those who drop sins can live with God.

Repentance is a step toward reconciliation. We confess our sins and stop doing them as we accept God's righteousness.

REPENTANCE consists from:

А) Recognition of our sins

Б) Confession of our sins

В) Breaking sins.

The page for those who want to change their life

«It is finished», - it’s says so in the Bible about the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over any sin. Jesus died on the cross for sins of the whole humanity. Being sinless, He died for sins of the world, being was buried, burying the sin and on the third day he rose again for justification of those who believe in His victory and receives Him as personal Lord and Savior into their life. 


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