REPENTANCE is a step toward new life

Bible says: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Rome. 3-23). God loves you, but sin separates you from God. Only those who drop sins can live with God.

Repentance is a step toward reconciliation. We confess our sins and stop doing them as we accept God's righteousness.

REPENTANCE consists from:

А) Recognition of our sins

Б) Confession of our sins

В) Breaking sins.

Bible says: "He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but who confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy." (Prov. 28:13)

Have you taken a decision to start a new life? If so, please tell God the following from all your heart:


Lord God! I come to you knowing that I am sinful and that I need your forgiveness. Please forgive me and cover all my sins. I want to start a new life today. Change me and let me know Your will for my life. Thank you for this opportunity. I confess that Jesus is My Lord. Amen.

If you prayed from all your heart, God will forgive your sins and accept you as His new born baby. Do grow in the knowledge of our Lord.

read on  FAITH

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