The page for those who want to change their life

«It is finished», - it’s says so in the Bible about the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over any sin. Jesus died on the cross for sins of the whole humanity. Being sinless, He died for sins of the world, being was buried, burying the sin and on the third day he rose again for justification of those who believe in His victory and receives Him as personal Lord and Savior into their life. 

Today is your day. God gave his Beloved Son, so that we’d not perish, but have everlasting life. Make your choice today. Out of your choice it depends what kind of life you will live here on the Earth and where you will spend eternity.

REPENTANCE is a step toward new life




Belonging to the CHURCH


The page of love

Greetings! You visited the page of love – the love of our Heavenly Father.

You have just opened your heart before Him. Believe, your heart strived for that love for a long time. You have felt an emptiness, you’ve had questions without answers, you aspired to be accepted as you are. You sought for refuge from your worries, anxieties, emotional feelings and fear. You craved someone to listened to you and understand you. You wished to tell secret and dearest things, so that someone to experience it together with you and would not used it against you. You sought for protection and shelter and didn’t want seemed to be week.

You are human and all these things are inherent to you. The same kind of people are around you. We seek to be accepted by one another, we are trying to trust our friends with own secrets and often receive misunderstanding and betrayal. We seek to be trusted and understandable in our family: from our parents and spouse. But even here we can not be fully opened and being confident that they will understand you and accept you as you are.

Do you know why? Because it is possible only by having love to one another. Love has destroyed sin in this world. What we used to call love in fact is only a shadow of the real love.

Appeal to heart

God is love. The fullness of love is in Him. He created human by his image and likeness and He loves His creature unconditionally. He loves you as you are. He accepts you as unique, like no one else. You are precious for Him, you are loved by Him. He waited so long for you to come to Him and opened your heart.

Today you repented in your sins and He forgave you. He removed that wall, that separated you and Him from each other. Now you are His child. He knows you from the womb of your mother. He knows everything what happened in your life. He will clean your heart and your soul from bitterness and offence. He will heal your body from sicknesses. He will listen to your confession and He will understand your feelings, He will remove your fears. You can tell Him everything. He will listen to you at any time, He will show you the way out where you can not see it. He will not betray you, never leave you nor forsake you.

You can cry in His presence, You can tell Him the most secret and the most shameful things, that you can not share with anyone else. He will understand you and will help you to get rid of it. He will give you peace in your heart. You can rejoice and be cheerful in His presence as children do and He will celebrate together with you.

He LOVES you! Respond Him with the same kind of love.

The Way to God begins with prayer. Click HERE to pray with us.  

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